Emergency Ukraine


Since the outbreak of the war against Ukraine by the Russian Government, our organization, REMAR together with MESSENGERS OF PEACE, have launched a series of actions in order to provide and facilitate humanitarian aid for the thousands of people who are being expelled from their cities. For our organization, addressing the humanitarian emergency is part of the mechanisms we put in place every time a humanitarian crisis occurs due to armed or environmental conflict. Our positioning in Europe and mainly in the Eastern countries of the continent favors and facilitates that the aid reaches those who need it most.

Currently, more than 3,000,000 people are being sheltered in countries near Ukraine, with the aggravating factor that the main aid stations in the country are being destroyed.

REMAR SOS assists hundreds of people with love and care, providing them with a temporary place of help, shelter, and support where they can catch their breath and then continue on their way, fleeing war and insecurity.

The REMAR SOS team of volunteers is present at the most critical points of influx of people, from inside Ukraine to their final destination point through either Romania or Poland:

Help Ukraine!

Your generosity can make a difference in the lives of thousands of people affected in Ukraine. In these challenging times, every donation matters. Together, we can provide humanitarian aid, food, shelter, and medical care to those who need it most.



Your generosity can change lives in Ukraine. We need dedicated volunteers. Together, we will provide humanitarian aid, food, shelter, and medical care. Join as a volunteer and be part of Remar Ukraine.


Do you need help? If you need our support and find yourself in a situation of risk or danger, we can help you.


On The route from Ukraine to Romania



In Chernivtsí (Cernăuți, Ukraine) we are working in a space provided by the Ukrainian government, where we have located two 500m2 heated tents with capacity for 1,000 people. In accordance with our commitment to the local government, in one tent, we provide 1,000 meals a day and in another tent, we have installed 350 beds (175 bunk beds) to provide a resting point for people who are passing through to the Romanian border or who, due to their personal circumstances, decide to stay in Chernivtsi. From this point, we also distribute bags with food to the local inhabitants.



In Siret (Romania) we are working in a refugee camp offering shelter and hot drinks.


In Suceava (Romania) we welcome people from a tent of 300m2 in which we have 30 tables with benches to give meals and 150 beds (75 bunk beds) to accommodate people who are passing through to other parts of Romania or Europe.


In Oradea (Romania), a city in the west of Romania near the border with Hungary, we work from a school-residence, attending daily to about 200 people coming from Ukraine. In this aid station they are offered a place to rest with heating, bed, blankets, hot food and shower, where they can regain strength to continue their journey to other European countries. Two guesthouses have also been set up, with 30 rooms for 5 to 6 people each. Hundreds of people pass through this point, sent by REMAR volunteers from the reception point in Siret. In Oradea we have been provided with accommodation for the women and children, while they wait for two days for the transfer to Spain and other European territories. During these two days, we do the registration of people and provide food and other necessities, as well as a huge emotional support, especially for the children.

From other points of Europe

For people who do not have family or friends in Europe who can host them and who want to be hosted in Remar communities in countries such as Spain, Italy, Germany or Switzerland, we offer them transportation to their final destination. In Spain, families have been welcomed in different places where there are Remar homes, such as in Zaragoza, where there are already 80 families living in community cabins.

On The route from Ukraine to Poland



In Mostyska (Ukraine) we have two projects. One, to meet the food needs, and the other for the accommodation needs, both for people who are passing through to the border and for internally displaced people who decide to stay inside the country. The food project consists of setting up a tent to feed 400 people and the lodging project consists of a dormitory tent with 400 beds to provide lodging for up to three nights for people who are passing through or lodging for several nights for internally displaced persons while, in collaboration with the town hall, we look for lodging in private homes.


In Shehyni (Ukraine) we are assisting refugees from a roadside stand serving soup, coffee and hot chocolate. In one day, we can serve about 5,000 drinks.


At the border crossing from Ukraine to Poland, refugees must cross on foot about one kilometer to enter Poland. Usually, men can accompany them up to that point, but then women with children and elderly people must cross that kilometer on foot alone. At this point, Remar volunteers are present with trolleys to help carry luggage and wheelchairs for those who may need them.


In Przemysl (Poland) Remar has an information booth about the risk of human trafficking. A brochure in English and Ukrainian with information about this danger and a brochure in Ukrainian with contact details of associations in Europe dedicated to the safe reception of people are handed out.


In Spain, families have been welcomed in different places where there are Remar shelters, such as in Zaragoza, where there are already 80 families living in community huts.

From Other Points Of Europe

For people who do not have relatives or friends in Europe who can take them in, and who want to be taken in by Remar communities in countries such as Spain, Italy, Germany or Switzerland, transportation is offered to their final destination. In Spain, families have been welcomed in different places where there are Remar shelters, such as in Zaragoza, where there are already 80 families living in community huts.

To address the humanitarian crisis by providing women, children and elderly people with shelter and support in areas of Ukraine close to the borders with Romania and Poland and along the emergency exit route to other countries from where we provide assistance with food and accommodation, and subsequently transfer to other territories that are facilitating the reception of refugees.

1. Reception at the critical points of greatest influx of people from where the data collection of individuals and families leaving the country is made.

2. Providing temporary emergency accommodation facilities while the transfer to other countries is being verified and approved.

3. Facilitate access to hot food through canteens that are being installed in the different points mentioned above in Ukraine, Romania and Poland.

4. Relocate families, mainly women, minors and elderly people, to countries where they have support networks.

Our focus is to help on the ground therefore, when the situation improves, our intention is to continue working inside Ukraine to be part of the restoration of the war-torn areas. The situation as of today is drastic, and we are preparing for what may come.

  1. POLAND (€42,500)

For the installation of the two tents in Mostyska:

  • 400 beds (200 bunk beds) – 16,000 euros.
  • 400 mattresses of 90cm – 000 euros
  • 75 tables and benches – 7,500 euros
  • Local translator – 1,000 euros /month
  1. ROMANIA (9,000 euros)

General expenses of the project in Chernivtsí: They include fuel for the transfer of material and volunteers, rental of warehouse at the border, rental of pallet loading machine for the unloading of material from the truck coming from Europe, storage and loading of the material on the truck that will cross to Ukraine. These general expenses also include items such as tools for the assembly of the tents, installation of lighting for the two 500m2 tents (wiring, light bulbs) and heating consumption. 9,000 euros

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