Peace Building

We work to prevent the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of violence, so it can take place before, during and after conflicts. It is a long-term collaborative process, as it involves changes in attitudes, behaviours, and norms.

For REMAR Peace, it is consolidated when: Everyone lives in safety conditions, without fear or threat of violence, and no form of violence is tolerated in law or in practice. Everyone has fair and equitable access to basic needs for their well-being, such as food, clean water, shelter, education, medical care and a decent living environment, they also have the same opportunities to work and earn a living, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or any other aspect of identity.

At REMAR we live an atmosphere of peace, sowing in the hearts of each one of us who are part of us to avoid and eradicate violence. “Depart from evil, and do good; Seek peace and pursue it.” Psalm 34:14

City of Boys and Girls in Guatemala

This Project is focused on the Fostering of children who are socially excluded or abandoned by their parents who have been victims of traumatic situations. Comprehensive care in homes, schools and health institutions that work for the physical, moral and spiritual restoration of children. Support for the social integration of the beneficiaries and the possibility of continuing as volunteers in the Foundation itself if they so wish.

City of Boys and Girls in Burkina Faso

The city of boys and girls is a project conceived in order to provide 500 minors at risk (street children, orphans, young offenders, drug addicts) the opportunity to live in a shelter where they are facilitated access to the basic services of food, housing, clothing, health and education, as well as civic, ethical and moral training, which allows them to improve their quality of life and their full integration into society.

The Dwelling Bolivia

A city for girls and women designed exclusively to provide the necessary support to achieve rehabilitation, socialization, training and in general terms the improvement of the living conditions of abused girls and women. The construction of the city for girls and women contains facilitating spaces such as sanitary, recreational, educational, training and housing areas.

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