The project “WEVING OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN AND YOUTH OF BATA-LITORAL” is already underway. An enterprising and necessary project that aims to help women and young people who are in situations of extreme poverty and whose primary need is to learn a way of working to integrate in the future to an occupational or working world.
Great expectations with the development of this project that will generate new sources of work and income.
With joy and great expectation the NGO REMAR in Bata, has inaugurated this project, whose goal is that each member of this training, can obtain the basic and necessary knowledge to make personal clothing and above all, to market various textile products, thus creating a source of work, allowing them to generate income to support their families and improve their living conditions.
This project will benefit the entire community, improving the living conditions of its inhabitants.
This sewing workshop will be aimed at women and young people in the neighborhood of Nkoantoma, Bata City and other nearby places in Equatorial Guinea, which will benefit the entire community, since the creation of new forms of work, also develops new and better opportunities for growth and productivity in all areas.
REMAR Guinea, more than 26 years working, developing projects and creating new opportunities.
The NGO REMAR in Equatorial Guinea has been working since 1996 developing projects to improve the living conditions of its inhabitants, working for more than 26 years in favor of thousands of people in need, creating every day new opportunities for their lives to be rescued from hunger and poverty.
“Let us therefore not grow weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9