REMAR South Africa: Open Hands Against Hunger in Johannesburg

 The NGO REMAR fights food insecurity and gives hope to families in need in South Africa.

He who has kind eyes will be blessed, because he gives his bread to the needy. Proverbs 22:9

Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2024

The NGO REMAR has extended its Open Hands project in South Africa, with the aim of providing sustainable food support to needy families in the country’s most vulnerable communities. Every week, REMAR distributes basic food baskets to dozens of families in Johannesburg, thanks to the work of its volunteers.

This project not only provides immediate assistance to families struggling with food insecurity, but also seeks to foster long-term sustainability. Special attention is given to vulnerable women, especially those with babies, offering them additional support and the opportunity to participate in foster care programs through the homes that the NGO REMAR has in that city. 

“Dozens of families depend on these food baskets to get through the week and feed their families,” said representatives of REMAR South Africa. “We thank God for the opportunity to serve these communities and for the dedication of our volunteers who work tirelessly to provide them with the help they need.”

Beyond food:

In addition to food distribution, REMAR South Africa also carries out other initiatives to support communities most in need. Among them are the eventual distribution of milk for children and families, and the constant search for new sources of help to guarantee the nutrition and well-being of the most vulnerable people.

A commitment to love of God and neighbor:

REMAR’s work in South Africa is based on a deep commitment to the love of God and neighbor. The organization’s volunteers dedicate their time and effort to providing assistance to those most in need, promoting hope and the possibility of a better future.

REMAR South Africa: 26 years helping to change lives

Since 1998, REMAR South Africa has been helping thousands of people through its free rehabilitation and social reintegration programmes. With a comprehensive approach that ranges from detoxification to the development of life skills. REMAR has been an instrument of God for the transformation of the lives of people in vulnerable situations, offering them the possibility of overcoming addiction and building a new life.

A comprehensive approach to social reintegration

REMAR South Africa understands that rehabilitation is not limited to detox. Therefore, the organization offers a variety of programs and services designed to support people in their social reintegration process. 

These programs include:

  • Rehabilitation centers: Two agricultural farms for men in a rehabilitation program, where they work on their personal recovery and are given the opportunity to develop agricultural skills for their reintegration into the workforce. A second phase men’s home, offering ongoing support and follow-up to those who have completed the initial rehabilitation programme.
  • Homes for mothers with children: These homes provide safe shelter and support to women who have been victims of violence or who are in vulnerable situations, along with their children.
  • Angels of the Night: A program that offers assistance and support to homeless people and people   with addiction problems   in Johannesburg, bringing food, shelter and guidance to the most vulnerable areas every week.
  • Work centers: Three trade learning workshops, an agricultural farm, a detergent factory and a carpentry shop, where people acquire skills and feel useful in their rehabilitation process

REMAR South Africa: A call to action

If you want to join REMAR South Africa in its mission to transform lives, you can do so by making a donation, your contribution can change lives and help REMAR South Africa to continue opening helping hands to everyone who comes to its doors.