Food Drive

Matthew 25:35: “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.”

The work of REMAR USA is a manifestation of Christian love in action, fulfilling the sacred mission of feeding and sustaining the neediest in society. We remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:35: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.”

In times of the current crisis caused by COVID-19, our work is even more vital. We are providing food to over 230 families, totaling 600 people benefited in Miami. Following the Christian mandate to help our neighbors, we have reached out to the “invisible,” those who are forgotten by society. Weekly, we supply them with bags containing food, clothing, and hygiene products, thanks to the collaboration with the Food Bank and companies that share our mission.

This program was initiated in response to the serious problems faced by many people who lack food, basic hygiene products, and the ability to provide for their families’ daily needs.

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